How To Add Or Put Search Engine On Your Blogger Blogspot

If you have huge posts in your blog, you need search engine in your blog. It will make visitor easier to find your good articles

Here, I'll show you how to make search engine in your blogpspot. It's pretty easy, just follow my simple guide below

1. Login

2. Click Layout >> Page Elements

3. Click Add A Gadget >> HTML/JavaScript

4. Title: [name of your search engine] leave it blank
Content: [Put the following code below]

<form action=""
method="get"> <input class="textinput" name="q" size="30" type="text"/> <input value="Search" class="buttonsubmit" name="submit" type="submit"/>

1. Your_Blog_Name = Change with your blog name
2. 30 = size or length of textbox [you can change the size whatever you want, make sure it's fit in your blog page]
3. Search = Name of your button [you can change with "Find" or "Seek" or whatever]

5. Click Save, done

Usually, Search Engine lay at the upper-middle of page, if you want to do so, just click and drag your "search" box to the center of page under blog title
